Today Hynek Learned

TIL stands for today I learned and is my place for collecting small, practical nuggets that I just learned – or explained to someone – and thought they’re too useful to let them vanish in the ethers of Twitter or GitHub comments. Please see the blog post announcing this section for details.

They have their own RSS feed and I toot / tweet whenever I publish.

Easier Crediting of Contributors on GitHub

GitHub has the concept of co-authors of a commit. You’ve probably seen it in the web UI, when multiple people are listed to have committed something. I want to be gracious with credit where it’s due and I’ve found ways to make it easier.

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Template Links in Sphinx

One of my pet peeves are projects without easily accessible changelogs (secondary pet peeve: changelogs without dates). Currently, I’m moving most auxiliary docs to Markdown, because that’s clearly what GitHub and related tooling wants me to. But I don’t want to compromise on my own pet peeve.

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SONOS Shares Its Mesh

The fact that SONOS devices build a transparent Wi-Fi mesh once one of them has wired Internet, is one of the main features of the ecosystem. TIL that at least the Playbar happily shares that mesh with your other devices.

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which is not POSIX

I learn a non-trivial number of things, because there’s Debian drama about them. The fact that the which command is not part of any standard just joined the flock.

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TLS Troubleshooting 101

In my day job I spend a lot of time dealing with sketchy TLS setups. The error messages provided by OpenSSL tend to be quite opaque – fortunately there’s tools to help you.

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rq & macOS

Due to fork() semantics, using rq on macOS can lead to confusing crashes.

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