We have more ways to manage dependencies in Python applications than ever. But how do they fare in production? Unfortunately this topic turned out to be quite polarizing and was at the center of a lot of heated debates. This is my attempt at an opinionated review through a DevOps lens.
This article is really old.
If you want to see how I manage my dependencies since 2024, the short answer is uv, and the long answers are:
- Production-ready Python Docker Containers with uv
- and Python Project-Local Virtualenv Management Redux
Spoiler: Everything got pretty good.
2018 is closing to an end and a lot happened since the best and only way to pin your dependencies was running
$ pip freeze >requirements.txt
pip-tools have been around for a while and automated that very same process including updates.
However, in the past year, two new contenders entered the scene that tried to fix packaging for good:
Pipenv that has been blessed by being used as an example on how to manage application dependencies in the PyPA packaging guide, and by being moved into the PyPA GitHub organization.
Until it was tempered by a PyPA member, it also made itself sound more official than it was and some people considered it the official PyPA recommendation. The core problem of this misunderstanding is that the PyPA probably is not what you think it is.
With pip-tools still working fine and being maintained by Jazz Band, we now have inevitably more alternatives to manage our dependencies than ever. But how do they compare if your job is to run Python applications on servers?
Update from one year later (2019-11-06): My upcoming criticism of Pipenv and Poetry have stood the test of time: Poetry hasn’t added the feature I need (and has grown jankier courtesy of increasing complexity) and Pipenv hasn’t even released a new version since then. So minor wordsmithing aside, I’ve only updated the part on how I use pip-tools which I love more than ever.
So feel free to jump ahead, if all you want is my approach to modern application dependency management.
My context, or: putting Python apps on servers in 60s
Whether we like it or not, the best Python build fragment for server platforms is the good old venv or virtualenv – possibly compressed using tools like pex or shiv.
Such a build fragment can for example be built and packaged using Docker’s multi-stage builds or just tar’ed up and moved to the target server.
Thinking you can cheat yourself out of virtual environments using Docker leads to huge containers that ship with build environments, version conflicts with your system Python libraries, or wonky attempts to move around whole Python installations or user directories that will eventually fall over because some CPython internals changed or pip install --user
was never intended for something like that.
Of course, with some dedication you can work around all of the above, but ask yourself why you’re so keen to ditch a reliable and blessed way and what amount of bloat, complexity, and sketchiness is it worth it to attain that goal.
Docker is a great way to distribute virtual environments – but not a replacement of them.
What all of this means is that whatever solution I pick, it needs to provide the following features:
- Let me specify my immediate dependencies (e.g. Django) for at least two environments (production and development, the latter usually being production plus test tools),
- resolve the dependency tree for me (i.e. recursively determine my dependencies’ dependencies) and lock all of them with their versions and ideally hashes1,
- update all dependencies in one go and update all locks automatically and independently for each environment2,
- integrate somehow with tox so I can run my tests and verify that the update didn’t break anything3,
- and finally allow me to install a project with all its locked dependencies into a virtual environment of my choosing.
So for example I use dockerized build servers to create a virtual environment at /app
, install the application with all its dependencies into it, and then
COPY --from=build /app /app
it into a minimal production container.
When I’m building Debian packages, I’ll do the exact same thing in the same build container, except the target path of the virtual environment becomes something like /vrmd/name-of-the-app
and the whole thing gets packaged using fpm and uploaded to our package servers.
DISCLAIMER: The following technical opinions are mine alone and if you use them as a weapon to attack people who try to improve the packaging situation you’re objectively a bad person. Please be nice.
I usually try to follow community best practices and so I looked at the PyPA’s Pipenv first. One notable feature is that it introduces Pipfile
and Pipfile.lock
as means to declare and lock dependencies for the first time in a mainstream package4.
And Pipenv tries really hard to do everything for you. It doesn’t just manage your dependencies, it also takes care of your virtual environments, and along the way tries to guess what you might want (like detecting whether you’re in an active virtual environment, installing missing interpreter versions using pyenv, or checking for preexisting requirements.txt
If you look into Pipenv’s patched
and vendor
directories, you’ll realize how it achieves that: they took what’s battle tested, put a nice interface in front of it, and patched what didn’t work. In a way, it carries the burden of many years of Python packaging in its guts. And yes: there‘s a patched pip-tools inside of Pipenv.
While being user-friendly and relying on mature work sounds great, it’s also its biggest weakness: Pipenv took a much bigger bite than the maintainers can realistically swallow and it grew so complex that no mortal has a chance to understand – let alone control – it. If you look at their changelog, maintenance mostly means intense fire fighting.
I have used Pipenv for almost a year and still remember the dread of updating it. There were times when each release introduced a new breaking regression – including the last two as of me writing this.
And that were the final two straws that broke my camel’s back. I have really tried to make this work and I have the utmost respect and sympathy for the maintainers that have to fight a hydra of complexity which – if anything – is growing more necks. But I personally have lost the faith that this project ever becomes stable enough to trust my sleep on it.
On backchannels I’ve heard from friends at various $BIG_CORPS
that they also had to back away because they ran into blocking bugs that sometimes just got closed without ceremony.
As it stands today, I unfortunately have to disagree with the decision to use Pipenv as the example in the Python packaging guide which effectively is read as a blessing by an authority even though it never was meant as one. It is a project that looks great on paper but cannot hold its own weight. I’m afraid a rewrite from the ground up is what it would take to put it on solid footing5.
If you’re more optimistic than I am and want to try it for yourself, Pipenv actually fulfills all needs outlined above:
Install immediate dependencies using
pipenv install Django
orpipenv install --dev pytest
.They are locked automatically on installation.
pipenv update --dev
While Pipenv has suggestions on direct usage with tox, I prefer the old way and transform my Pipfiles into old school
s. Updating/re-locking all dependencies then looks like this:$ pipenv update --dev ... $ pipenv lock -r >requirements/main.txt ... $ pipenv lock --dev -r >requirements/dev.txt ...
Which can be used in tox as usual:
[testenv] deps = -rrequirements/main.txt -rrequirements/dev.txt commands = coverage run --parallel -m pytest {posargs} coverage combine coverage report
Thanks to the approach taken in the step 4, you don’t have to touch your build/deploy system at all and possible Pipenv bugs only affect you in development which is usually a lot less critical.
I appreciate a lot that Pipenv lets me export the state into a common standard and doesn’t force me to use it throughout all of my workflows.
The next project I tried was Poetry which has a very different approach. Instead of reusing what’s already there, it makes a self-written dependency resolver its core. That may sound like a straightforward problem but in reality it’s anything but.
Poetry also embraces the standard pyproject.toml
file for both immediate and intermediate dependencies. Additionally it offers first class support for packaging Python libraries and uploading them to PyPI. It emphatically does not use setuptools to achieve any of that.
Unfortunately Poetry fails point 5 of my requirements. As of writing (Poetry 0.12.17 and 1.0.0b3) it’s impossible to tell Poetry to install the current package along with its dependencies into an explicitly specified virtual environment. Mind you, that if you run poetry install
within an active virtual environment, it will do the right thing. However that is problematic on build servers and in CI.
Since pyproject.toml
is just TOML, it would be trivial to extract a requirements.txt
from it (and Poetry 1.0 will support it out of the box!). However it’d feel like going against the grain. More importantly, if you go all in on Poetry, you also drop your setup.py
. If your Python applications aren’t packages you’re not gonna care, but mine are6 and they become uninstallable.
All of this is possible to work around, but I’m not comfortable to build core workflows around kludges.
So I hope the project will either add a way to install into explicitly specified virtual environments or even offer some first class support for bundling applications into virtual environments, shivs, etc. Then I will check back and report.
pip-tools: everything old is new again
Turns out, pip-tools still work great and are actively maintained with regular releases!
I couldn’t get pip-sync
to do what it’s supposed to do, but as long as you keep a few things in your mind, pip-compile
does its job. So, if you want to take the low-tech lipstick-on-a-pig approach and don’t mind adding your dependencies into a file by hand, you’re golden.
I especially like how it gives me complete freedom on how I structure my dependencies and how many types of dependencies I have: not just dev
and main
. To keep my project root directories light, I create a dedicated directory for my requirements files7:
├── dev.in
├── dev.txt
├── main.in
└── main.txt
The .in
files are my dependencies and the .txt
files are the pinned and hashed results of pip-compile
. I stole this approach from warehouse that has many more requirements files than the two in this case.
To update the compiled .txt
files, I use two Makefile targets:
pip install --upgrade pip-tools pip setuptools
pip-compile --upgrade --build-isolation --generate-hashes --output-file requirements/main.txt requirements/main.in
pip-compile --upgrade --build-isolation --generate-hashes --output-file requirements/dev.txt requirements/dev.in
pip install --editable .
pip install --upgrade -r requirements/main.txt -r requirements/dev.txt
rm -rf .tox
update: update-deps init
.PHONY: update-deps init update
Important: pip-compile
has no proper resolver. Thus it has to run under the same Python version as the project it’s locking and in the same environment8, or else conditional dependencies will not work correctly9.
Which is why I install pip-tools into my development virtual environments and not globally, as you can see in the update-deps
You may be surprised why I pin dev.txt
separately and then go and install -r requirements/main.txt -r requirements/dev.txt
, instead of pip-compileing both main.in
and dev.in
into one, big dev.txt
. After all, pip-compile
supports passing more than one input file.
The reason is that occasionally you get version conflicts of second-level dependencies between main.in
and dev.in
. For instance, if main.in
requires package foo
(no upper pin) but a package from dev.in
requires foo<2
Now if you run pip install -r requirements/main.txt -r requirements/dev.txt
, you get a version conflict. That’s annoying, but it’s good! If you’d have pip-compileed main.in
and dev.in
into one file, the resolver would’ve chosen a different pin for foo
in dev.txt
(one that is <2
) than the one that is in main.txt
That means you would have a different version of foo
in production and in development.
This is a silent failure mode that is painful to track down.
Between “breaks regularly” and “close but no cigar”, pip-tools are still the best. And while they’re not perfect, if it’s good enough for all the companies that I know of alone, it’s probably also good enough for you.
I for one am not holding my breath for new tools for these kinds of workflows.
I say “ideally” because we run our own PyPI server. If you don’t, you should make it a prerequisite. ↩︎
This is where a plain
pip freeze
falls short – if you don’t use a fresh environment, you end up with pytest in production lock files. ↩︎The spec itself is from 2016 and there at least used to be the plan to add it to pip too, but it didn’t go anywhere. ↩︎
I’ve been told that a rewrite of at least some of its parts is the plan. ↩︎
To be clear: they’re packages in the sense of
pip install --editable .
in development andpip install .
on deployment. They never go to a packaging index.Making an application a package has a bunch of benefits but they go beyond this article. ↩︎
I can’t be the only person annoyed by the de-facto standard
not sorting next to each other alphabetically!? ↩︎For me, macOS and Linux are fortunately always effectively identical. But if you e.g. have to use Docker for your local development, you’ll have to pin inside of Docker too. ↩︎
For example, pytest has the conditional dependency
. Ifpip-tools
run under Python 3, funcsigs will not ever be added to your lock file.Which means that if you use it to lock your dependencies for a Python 2 project and then run
pip install
in hash mode (which you should), the installation will fail because it didn’t lock the hash of funcsigs.And the other way around: if your
run on Python 2, locking will keep pulling in dependencies that you don’t need in Python 3 projects. ↩︎